Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nail Art Attacks

Painting your nails has now turned into a full blown art project. Sometimes it can take up half your day depending on your dedication. Doing you nails is no longer about getting the perfect french tips, but more about getting the most creative pattern on that tiny edge of our finger.(Unless you are lucky enough to have larger nail beds)
Designs are a personal preference from stripes, to animal prints depending on how daring you are. Youtube (the new education system) has tutorials for you to learn from. You can be as creative or simple as you like they are your nails after all and it's not a competition...or is it.

Here is a link to one of the many nail art designs you can try. Courtesy of Ebonyeleia on youtube:

If you fail at "art stuff" (like myself) no worries. Sally Hasen, Sephora among others have your back. You can buy designs that easily attach to you nail (Nail stickers). And voila you too can look hip without making it look like a toddler did your nails.

And to all those nail bitters with naked nails thinking people don't see your nails, you're wrong. We see but I can't really complain because my nails also find themselves undressed often. But I am sure after seeing this you want to go on and try out a design, but first go on a nail polish shopping spree, the Kardashians just came out with their line with Nicole by O.P.I



*Photos courtesy of Tumblr.

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