Friday, February 24, 2012


Posted by Carmella Miller, CYEd
A person’s inner health is just as important as their outer beauty. Looking good naked is all encompassing; hydrated skin, a sharp mind, and a natural glow are all part of a person’s manifestation. Whether you are heading on vacation soon or still working on your new year’s resolution, here are 8 easy tips to get you started
on the road to fabulous:

1. SLEEP EASY – at least 7.5-9 solid hours a night to restore the body’s cellular levels and reach REM is recommended. About an hour before bedtime, shut the blinds in your bedroom, turn off your iPad, pick up a book, and allow the body and mind to slowly release into a deep slumber.

2. BODY MOVEMENTstudies show 30-60 minutes of activity (walking, running, dancing,
swimming, weights, yoga, whatever!) 3-5 days a week will help maintain weight or lose it depending on calories burned during your session. This does not have to be inconvenient or expensive – try to stretch, strengthen, and incorporate some cardio for a well-rounded regime. Plus, sweating helps renew the skin, releases toxins, and may help fight sickness by building immunity. Remember to rehydrate afterwards.

3. VISUAL MEDITATION – an intentional practice of stillness is important to quiet the mind and relax the body. A sharp mind translates into a better memory and increased patience and concentration. Plus, it’s believed that stress causes over-eating and disrupted sleep (see#1). From a comfortable seated position: visualize a white light at the crown of the head moving through the body softening each place it lands and ending at the base of the spine. Make it work for you – visualize what you can or simply focus on the breath flow.

4. CHEW LONGER – it’s suggested that chewing each bite of food 32 times before swallowing is highly beneficial: tones the jaw, eases digestion, regulates bowels, helps to avoid over-eating, and increases intimacy with your food. Also, by incorporating more vegetarian friendly foods like nuts, legumes, and vegetables, the jaw and stomach work less at breaking down the food and diseases like bowel cancer, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are dramatically reduced.

5. SEXUAL RELEASE – whether it’s intercourse with a partner or an orgasm on your own, finding sexual liberation is essential for good health. Not only wonderful for stress release, an orgasm helps you sleep better, increases circulation, improves blood pressure, and releases endorphins for natural pain management.

6. COCOA BUTTER – for its toning properties and to enhance a natural glow, slather your body in 100% pure cocoa butter daily (usually found in stick form to be applied after a hot shower). Cocoa butter is known for reducing the look of scars and stretch marks, especially recommended for pregnant women.

7. LAUGH HARD – you burn about 1.5-2 calories every minute you laugh. If that’s not motivating enough, laughter and smiling are known to reduce blood pressure, relieve anxiety, strengthen the diaphragm and lungs, and can improve memory, alertness, and creativity. I bet you’re smiling now!

8. SELF-LOVE – everyday stand in front of the mirror, being non-judgemental and totally loving, and tell yourself you are beautiful, you are smart, and you are blissful. Self-talk is highly beneficial for the psyche by building confidence and happiness. Love yourself first, the rest will follow.


  1. Amazing post, my friend!! Rules that everyone should live by!

    1. thanks, love, hopefully others will find it equally inspiring and insightful. many blessings for a healthy body image ;D namaste.
