Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Posted by: Carmella Miller, CYT

Food can be sexy – fun, fresh, fashionable food is all around us. Adopting and sustaining an active, healthy lifestyle in addition to eating right for your body starts with knowledge of and interest in nutritional foods.

For their health benefits and versatile usages, here are the top five hottest foods right now at your local market or health food store including delicious recipes. Being beautiful starts with an inner glow!

1. The antioxidant queen: POMEGRANATE
DEFINED: Sold as a juice (POM Wonderful is, in fact, wonderful) or fruit, this Asian delicacy is full of antioxidants and bold colour; choose organic pomegranates for the best quality

BENEFITS: Increases oxygen to the heart promoting a healthy one and might even aid in erectile dysfunction when eaten regularly

USAGE: Drink the juice as is or add to a smoothie, sprinkle the jewel-like seeds in any regular salad to liven it up, or use as base for marinades

2. The wonder grain: QUINOA
DEFINED: Pronounced keen-wah, this sacred seed of Inca civilization holds amazing nutritional value and is a popular choice even for NASA, recently adding it to its astronaut menu

BENEFITS: It’s a protein powerhouse (one cup has more protein than an egg), internal cleanser (complex carbs that ease digestion), and a brain food – boosts energy via high iron and vitamin B to keep the mind sharp
USAGE: Tasty as a breakfast or dinner food, quinoa is easy to cook (about 20 minutes with water or fruit juice) and can virtually absorb any flavour you add to it; try this stir-fry for dinner tonight - use red or white or combo of both colours for interest

3. The metabolism booster: MATCHA GREEN TEA
DEFINED: From Japan and China, this powdered tea is best whipped in soy or almond milk for a tart, powerful flavour; matcha is fairly low in caffeine compared to black tea and coffee making it a great alternative

BENEFITS: It’s a proven natural weight loss remedy – matcha increases metabolism by up to 40% and potent antioxidants actually forestall the aging process

USAGE: Other than a cup of tea (1 tbsp per 1 cup), try adding matcha to dough, smoothies, and muffin recipes for a bold colour; my favourite cup of tea is from Starbucks - tall, 6 scoop matcha, half sweet, no foam, green tea soy latte

4. The natural sweetener: AGAVE NECTAR
DEFINED: From the same lily plant in Mexico that brings us tequila, agave nectar comes in syrup form and is a great alternative to honey or refined sugar

BENEFITS: The syrup is a low-glycemic sweetener which means it won’t cause a sharp rise or fall in blood sugar levels, perfect for diabetics

USAGE: As a sugar substitute (coffee, baking) – just remember to use only a small amount as it’s far sweeter than the average sugar; whip it into dressings and marinades to balance acidic foods

5. The superspice: TURMERIC

DEFINED: Known as one of the world’s healthiest spices, turmeric has been used in Chinese and Indian cooking for centuries; comes from a perennial plant of the ginger family and has a subtle yet distinct flavour

BENEFITS: Aids in indigestion and inflammation, it also has cancer-fighting properties

USAGE: As a base for pretty much all curries, this yellowy-orange coloured spice can also be used in western cooking like pasta, rice, and lentil dishes. Click here for a basic rice pilaf recipe

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