Thursday, March 8, 2012

H and M Collaborations

The latest collaboration with H and M is with Marni. You can line up all night tomorrow to get all your goods!! I love the fact that they do this, even though I have yet to pick something up. I just don't have that time time or money. Maybe this means I am not a true fashionista, but I still love what I have and wear so judge me all you want.

I do just have one thing to say about the designer collabs. What happens when they run out of designers to use, will they join forces again. It use to be a yearly thing, but now it seems like it is more common. We all love H and M and we all love the chic designers, but when they have all been used are we going to ditch the Couture lines, and start pairing up with others like Cabbage Patch Dolls, or Sour Patch Kids. I am definitely interested in seeing where all this will lead too.

It is exciting to see designers you like teaming up with affordable stores such as H and M, and it makes you feel even better to see pop stars like Jessi J sporting the same Versace for H and M jacket that you have.
One this that is great is seeing David Beckhams face everywhere around the city. I know I am not the only who likes this. I heard that his line isn't that great. Anyone have thoughts on this from themselves or their boyfriends, friends etc.

But how long will thislast. Eventually it could lose it's glory, and not be so fun anymore. But I guess for now let's run over each other and be super stylish!


Natalia Nikola

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