Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fashion females cursed with the “ditz” stigma

My love for fashion is something that has always empowered me and ultimately what lead me to pursuing it as a career; however, recent events have also made me realize that being a fashionable female also has its downsides.

I recently took a contract in helping a finance company rebrand themselves and during this project I was forced to interact with many different types of people. The common denominator in every situation when meeting my vendors was the shock on their face when they realize that the same person who they have been communicating with via phone and email is in fact a young female with an array of colours, layers and accessories. It doesn't take them long to make a comment, joke or question about my attire and background experience. Without hesitation I tell people that I specialize in fashion marketing and merchandising; however still having experience in the finance industry. Unfortunately it appears that the moment I throw in the word “fashion” I am immediately discredited as a marketing professional.

The common misconception about females in fashion is that they are dumb, lazy, superficial, and handed everything in life. With fashion and business icons like Anna Wintour, Anna Dello Russo and Jeanne Beker in our world, how can this stigma exist?

In an industry that is over flooded with competition, requires constant multi-tasking, and little pay to start with, this is a business that requires a thick-skinned individual.

Standing out within the sea of grey and black polyester suits is an inevitable truth that fashion females will face when expanding into other fields however it should not come with the false impression that we are not smart.

Written by: Laura Suarez

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