Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Obama Campaign's Nail Polish

The Obama campaign trail is well on its way these days and willing to go to any lengths to capture voter interest. Today, they are even trying to inspire the female youth vote in a way that has never been done before by a political party: Nail Polish.

Political enthusiasts and trend setters everywhere will now be able to show their support for the Obama administration, and be as creative as possible while doing it.

Jumping on the nail art craze, the campaign teamed up with Richard Blanch of Le Métier De Beauté cosmetics company. The set includes three mini bottles – in patriotic red, white and blue – come in a neat Obama branded Dopp kit, selling for $40 on the Obama Campaign’s online store. The polish debuted as part of Anna Wintour’s “Runway to Win” campaign event in New York City in February.

According to Politico, the campaign spent $10 000 producing the nail polishes which will be a way of “keeping low dollar supporters engaged with the campaign and driving up overall contribution numbers. It’s part of how the Obama campaign can truthfully say that 97.7 percent of February’s contributions were small donors, even as big donors maxing out at $35,800 are the real fundraising goldmine for the campaign.

Looks like the usual blahs of posters and buttons are ghosts of campaigns past!

-Jineen Matar

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