Monday, March 11, 2013

The Importance of Food and The Health of Your Hair

It has become second nature that women especially are obsessed with their beauty products that make their hair shine and look beautiful. What many tend to forget though is that it is the food choices that they make that reflect the shininess and healthiness of their hair. That is not to say that the importance of hair products should be discounted but the addition of what people eat should also be considered.  

There are several kinds of food sources that are high in protein, antioxidants, essential omega 3 fatty acids, and several kinds of vitamins such as, vitamin C and E that will keep your hair healthy, grow faster and make it fuller and preventing hair loss. Hair loss, in my personal opinion is detrimental to any women out there. As women our hair is like an accessory therefore we must consider what we can do to keep it beautiful and healthy.

Sources of food that will help in keeping your hair healthy and beautiful are fruits. They are rich in Vitamin C that prevents hair loss as well as premature graying, dryness, and brittle hair. Examples of fruits that will help keep your hair healthy and gorgeous looking are peaches, strawberries, mango, kiwi, and tomatoes. Fruits are also a great source of antioxidants that will help your hair deal with the hormonal changes during various stages of life particularly with aging.

Another great food source that is essential in keeping your hair healthy is salmon. Salmon is rich in various vitamins and minerals such as omega 3 fatty acids. The benefits that it provides your hair with is that it will help make your hair grow, keep your scalp hydrated with the necessary natural oils in your hair, and prevents hair loss. Click here for some great recipes for salmon.

If fish doesn’t happen to be your cup of tea, some substitutes that may be incorporated into your diet are pumpkin seeds or walnuts, as they also encompass similar nutrients that salmon offers. An additional benefit to eating walnuts would be it protects the DNA of your hair, as well as, keeping your natural hair colour rich and radiant.

Additionally, all dark green vegetables are highly beneficial to your hair. Foods like spinach, and broccoli will help in the production of sebum, which helps to avoid the hair from becoming overly dry, and a protector from sun-rays.

What we eat therefore gives us another reason to have a healthy diet integrated in our daily lives, as it does not only affects what occurs insides of our bodies but the outside as well.

Overall, there are many sources of food that will be valuable in keeping your hair looking beautiful and healthy. If you feel though that you may not be receiving enough of these nutrients in your daily diet, supplements are great to ensure that you're getting enough. 

-Ifigenia Giannoutsos

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