Saturday, March 2, 2013

Menswear: Tie-ing Trends Together

These days I am seeing a lot of different ties and how to “tie” them together. These trends have been a main focus on menswear for a while and putting pressure on men to look prim and proper. They keep men’s outfits looking sophisticated with character and ready for any occasion.

 Paisley Ties

Paisley ties can be more fun to play around with and can give a sophisticated, dapper or have a renegade feel depending on how you style them together.

To keep a more sophisticated look, pick a bigger tie knot to have such as the “pratt knot” and pair it with a pin stripe suit. Focus more on darker colour combinations such as green, brown and deep purple.

This will give a fresh look to perk up a long day at the office.
A dapper look consists of more pastel colours such as lavender with a 3-3.5 inch tie width. This is considered more attention grabbing and flashy.

 My muse Chuck Bass, always looking dapper with a "skinny look" in his favorite colour purple.

Renegade is considered to be a vintage style that is created by putting muted colours together. This is paired with fabrics such as silk and wool to give a "Mad Men" feel. A good paisley tie will give a pop of colour in your outfit, but still contained for a night out.

 This will make the vintage male "Mad Men" sheek with complementing tones. Why not also pair your outfit with some gold hues?

Nowadays there are lots of ties that a man can use to change up his as Justin Timberlake would say, “Suit and Tie”. Here are the following most popular video variations of different knots to try out for the workplace or a night out on the town.

Fancier Knots


Work Appropriate Knots (Most Used)


Four in Hand Knot

-Jill M

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