Thursday, December 6, 2012

Demi Lovato's eyebrows: a timeline of what went wrong

by Cintia Lopez de Freitas

Ok, questions have been asked but the mystery remains - what the hell are they doing with Demi Lovato's eyebrows? 

It's safe to assume that the X-Factor's makeup artists have a sense of humor (maybe a Britney Spears' timeline is in order to prove that point), but when you find yourself turning the TV on specifically to watch what is going to happen with someone's eyebrows, you start to wonder if maybe they are messing up with her face on purpose. 

Let's take a look at how things went:

Audition stage (aka "normal")

"Judges' homes" and live shows stage (aka WHY?!):

Looking back at pictures and videos, it quite obvious that this change in the eyebrows was paired with a drastic change in makeup (and hair color, eventually), which definitely makes the brows look even more pronounced. She went from a tanned kind of look (which I think suits her very nicely) to a pale, Twilight-vampire-powder style that I simply cannot understand. I mean, this new look is not actually pretty, is it?

Let me know what you think!

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