Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 21st, 2012: The Fashion Apocalypse

Written by: Billy Vasilios

It's December 14th 2012, and tonight, I am writing to you from my chilly, dull lit room. This tiny little candle next to me flickers and while burning away, I feel the sudden urge to sit here, step outside of my head, and examine m thoughts. Beads of sweat and anxiety kick in with each flicker, thinking to myself "What does the 21st really have in store for us?" As the smoke burns off the small flame, I sit here and worry, will I too end up burning away in utter silence, like this poor old candle, or will December 21st, 2012 just be the most annoying day in social media history?

We never know what the future may hold, but there is nothing wrong with being prepared for all outcomes. That's the purpose of life. You live in the present and do your best to prepare for the future. Good or bad. So, if the 21st does happen to bring us doom, let's all be prepared to go out in style. 

I, your guardian angel, will provide you with your post-apocalyptic fashion must-haves. So let's all light our fires and fan away at our flames. 


Protective footwear in which you can kick ass, escape from danger, and look f****** amazing.


You know, for all of the toxins and stuff. You'll look like a robot, but welcome to the future.


There will be falling debris everywhere. This is a great use for covering your face. We all have to look pretty for Judgement day, don't we?

ALL BLACK EVERYTHING! (Gotta blend in with the darkness of December 21st, 2012)

Blending in is key. Will aliens come to earth? Will the zombie apocalypse finally happen? We don't know. So, be sure to get a coat that will not only blend you with the darkness, but will keep you warm. Remember, bye-bye Mr. Sun!

With this all being said, I've given you several of many post-apocalyptic fashion ideas. The choice is yours. Are you going out in style? Or are you going out with the bang?

Your Guardian Angel.

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