Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eat Your Way To a Healthy Tan

By, Sharan Garcha

Who would've thought that indulging in food could actually give you a tan without stepping foot in the tanning salon or laying in the sun. The best ways improve your looks comes from a source that is not only more economical than most of the beauty aids out there, but it is also good for you: fruits and vegetables. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can give you the same golden glow without the risk of skin cancer! Consuming five serving of green or orange produce a day will provide you with a tan in just a month, thanks to nutrients called carotenoids.

Researchers have found that a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially ones high in carotenoids (carrots, tomatoes) can give your skin a healthier glow than even time spent in sun getting bronzed.
Carotenoids are the substances that give fruits and vegetables their bright and golden skin color. They are in fact antioxidants that are thought to help clear the body of free radicals (molecules created by oxidative stress). Free radicals are believed to play role in the formation of cancer cells. Carotenoids are also believed to help boost our immune and reproductive systems.

So the next time you want to lay out in the sun and work on your tan, consider the healthy eating option, instead. Your body just may thank you in the long run!

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